Friday, December 14, 2012

Meanwhile, 1,759 miles away

You can't tell me it doesn't look like we were made for each other.  On the left: Tim, in San Diego; On the right: me*, in Leland, Mississippi. Both photos circa December 1976, both (we think) were taken on or around our birthdays, December 14 and 26.

Happy birthday, Tim. . .

*Yes, I'm curling my hair in the living room. Not sure why, unless it's to catch the eye of that cute rich guy on the left. (Or, yeah, more realistically, somebody beat me to the bathroom.)

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Old school ghosts

From Detroit, a city rapidly becoming famous for its gorgeously decaying old buildings: some haunting then-and-now images (apparently of an old school building) in which heyday snapshots have been digitally superimposed onto current photos.

Thanks to Nick Taylor for the tip!